Foot tattoo pictures

Foot Tattoos are very sexy and are becoming more popular by the day.
There's just something about tattoos on the foot. Especially with the cute designs available.
If your thinking about getting a foot tattoo there are some things you should keep in mind. There are many foot tattoo designs to choose from. But large or small, cute or sexy, regardless of your choice it is permanent.

Pictures of star tattoos

There are several reasons and meanings behind star tattoos. You could look at them in terms of hopes to being a star or your goals and determination to reach for the stars and be all you can be (no pun intended). Otherwise, for the most part the meaning behind a star will depend on the type of star.

Star tattoos can be as simple as the choice to study in astronomy, or as complicated as to signify the birth a child.

Star tattoos can represent a significant change in one's life or a desire to achieve high goals. Maybe it represents a bright, shining point in your life.

Depending on how many points the star has can also determine the meaning of the star.

Like any other tattoo, stars don't have to have a particular meaning, it can just be a pretty design.